Substitution and equivalence
Essential Mathematics Year 8
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I love teaching algebra and this is the next video in the Year 8 series looking at substitution and equivalence. We know, if we watch sport, that substitution means to take something off and put something of equal value in its place. This is what it means in Mathematics too! I spend time, in my own unique way, looking at using kissy kissy and other stories to show how simple substitution can be. I then look at what equivalence means with lots of worked examples. If you want to understand algebra, then you really need to watch this series of videos! You'll never forget them!

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maffsguru good maths videos for middle school good maths videos good maths videos for high school good maths website good maths teacher maffs guru darren smyth maths tutorials year 8 maths grade 8 math substitution and equivalence what does substitution mean substitution in maths equivalence what is equivalence equivalence in maths kissy kissy algebra