Pythagoras Theorem
Pythagoras' theorem and trigonometry
Essential Mathematics Year 9
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This is the first video in the Year 9 series looking at Pythagoras' Theorem and right angled triangles. This video is really an introduction to who Pythagoras was and the formula he (probably didn't) come up with. I look at some basic examples of using the formula and how you might want to do it another way! The theory is explained in an easy to understand way.

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good maths videos for middle school good maths videos good maths videos for high school good maths website good maths teacher maffs guru darren smyth maths tutorials year 9 maths grade 9 maths pythagoras' theorem who was pythagoras did pythagoras really steal someone elses formula how to find the longest side of a right angled tri finding side lengths of triangles how to use pythagoras' theorem